Coding WorkStations

23 Oct

So I  Remember a while ago…  I guess last year if am not and a couple of techies exchanged photos of our current workstations (Yes I now it sounds lame…bite me!!!). Just to flaunt the impressive setups…but back then I was still in JKUAT so you can guess what I had for a work Station …Sisemi Kitu ask Marto and he may tell you….The big boys pulled out their impressive lairs, much to the amazement  of the smaller fish in the pond.So after completing College I embarked on the daunting task of building a perfect workstation….and I guess the below pictures offered me some Inspiration….. Mine is not yet done (For reasons best known to me..) But ikiisha I will share a couple of photos with you …It will be a simple setup ,enough to write code on,Listen to Nneka  or Asa and kama kawaida  Game to my Heart’s joy. so until then Amaze at the below……………


Jarod Lair (the guys who Owns StackOverflow).

Psleda’s WorkStation

Those are some of the bigboy workstations..I liked the simplicity of the next one….Sijui Mbona

David L’s Lair

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Posted by on October 23, 2012 in code, hack, kenyan clones, twitter


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